What are Bunions?

What are Bunions?

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Bunions are a common forefoot problem that affects women significantly more than men primarily because of poorly fitted footwear. A bunion is a prominent bump on the inside of the foot around the big toe joint. This bump is a bone protruding towards the inside of the foot. 

With continued displacement of the big toe towards the smaller toes, a bunion can lead to the big toe resting under or over the second toe (a common condition called overlapping toes). It also can lead to a toe muscle deformity called hammer toes.

Bunions are frequently associated with inflammation of the bursa, a fluid-filled sac that helps cushion the bones of the foot. Another type of bunion called a Tailor’s bunion (or bunionette), forms on the outside of the foot on or at the base of the little toe joint. Smaller than a typical bunion, it is caused when the little toe is pressed in towards the big toe.

The deformity can develop from an abnormality in foot function, or arthritis, but is more commonly caused by wearing improper-fitting footwear. Tight, narrow dress shoes with a constrictive toe box can cause the foot to begin to take on the shape of the shoe, leading to the formation of a bunion.

Women who have bunions normally wear dress shoes that are too small for their feet. Their toes are squeezed together in their shoes causing the first metatarsal bone to protrude on the side of the foot.

Foot Solutions addresses bunions in primarily two ways:

  1. We analyze your feet and lifestyle and recommend the right footwear for you. If you have bunions, you must wear properly fitting, supportive athletic, casual, and dress shoes. We may even recommend a rocker-soled shoe to relieve pressure.

  2. After a thorough analysis, we may recommend various products to address the issue, such as night splints and custom-fitted and crafted orthotic insoles.  

Common Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Bunions

One of the most common foot pathologies we see at our retail Foot Solutions stores is bunions.  Here we discuss the causes, symptoms, and potential treatments for this foot ailment.

5 Main Causes of Bunions:

  1. Excessive rolling inward of the feet (over-pronation) while walking
  2. Various arthritic, genetic and neuromuscular diseases
  3. Abnormal foot function
  4. Improperly fitted shoes
  5. Wearing shoes with a smaller, constrictive, or pointy toe box

5 Common Symptoms of Bunions

Here’s how to know whether or not you have bunions:

  1. Inflammation of the affected toe joint, foot, and surrounding area
  2. Soreness of the big toe
  3. Discomfort or pain when walking or wearing shoes
  4. Callus formation under the protrusion
  5. Difficulty fitting into shoes

7 Ways to Treat Bunions

  1. In the early stages of bunion formation, soak feet in warm water.
  2. Wear properly fitted shoes designed with a wide, deeper toe box to accommodate the width of the foot during function. 
  3. Wear rocker-soled shoes to relieve pressure.
  4. Add arch supports to your shoes. Appropriate selection of supported insoles like those we have at Foot Solutions can relieve the pressure on the forefoot and keep the arch in the correct position to slow the progression of bunions.
  5. Custom-made orthotics are also recommended for this condition to provide extra comfort, support, and protection specific to foot function and shape.
  6. We recommend using forefoot products designed to accommodate and relieve bunion discomfort such as bunion shields and bunion bandages–as long as there is enough width and vertical depth of the shoe’s toe box. These conservative treatments can limit the progression of the bunion formation, relieve pain, and provide a healthy environment for the foot.
  7. Wear bunion night splints to relieve stress on the joint while sleeping.

We hope these tips can help address your bunions and alleviate any associated pain and discomfort.  If you have bunions, we encourage you to make an appointment at your local Foot Solutions to see one of our experts.

Viisit www.footsolutions.com to learn more. Your feet are the foundation of your health. Let us take care of them for you.

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