Post-Tib Tendonitis
Posterior Tibial Tendonitis is a common ankle problem that can cause pain on the inner side of the foot and ankle.
What is Post Tib Tendonitis?
Video transcriptWhat is Post Tib Tendonitis? Transcript
(This transcript is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen on this website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately.)
Hello, I’m Donna Robertson, Head of Training and Chief Pedorthist for Foot Solutions, a foot wellness retailer specializing in expertly fitted footwear and custom crafted orthotic insoles. Today we are going to discuss a common foot pathology known as Posterior Tibial Tendonitis , better known as Post-TibTendonitis. The posterior tibial tendon originates inside of the lower leg and runs down the area just behind the medial ankle bone and attaches in the middle of the medial arch. The main attachment point is at the base of the navicular bone, where the tendon fans out to attach to other bones in the bottom of the midfoot. The posterior tibial tendon is one of the main structures which maintains and supports the arch. When the posterior tibial tendon is not functioning properly, the arch is not maintained and will eventually collapse. This is a sign of loss of muscle tone, muscle function, ligament laxity and joint instability causing the posterior tibial tendon to become overworked. The result is microtears, inflammation and the development of tendonitis. The two most common locations of pain are at the insertion of the tendon on the navicular bone and inside just behind the ankle. Posterior tibial tendonitis is generally associated with flatfeet. But the cause is not simply an arch collapse. The development of posterior tibial tendonitis and the associated flatfoot (adult acquired flatfoot) is due to abnormal foot biomechanics. Most individuals with posterior tibial tendonitis have an abnormal amount of pronation. The foot is flexing up at the ankle, the forefoot is turning out away from the midline of the body and the heel is rotating out, away from the midline of the body leading to over pronation. The tendon eventually weakens, resulting in referred knee/hip pain added to the original foot pain as the arch continues to collapse. The posterior tibial tendon controls eversion of the ankle and the amount of pronation occurring in the foot. Once the heel rotates out, the midfoot starts to collapse and excess stress is placed on the posterior tibial tendon at the ankle area and at the insertion. For individuals with abnormal pronation, the tendon is constantly under abnormal stress during activity and something as simple as a shoe style change for walking or running can stimulate the development of overuse tendonitis. The symptoms of post tib tendonitis are as follows: Heel pain, Arch pain, Ankle pain, Plantar fasciitis, Heel spurs, and Metatarsal pain. With post-tib tendonitis, pain will be more severe upon weight bearing, especially while walking or running, which is why it is important to find the proper foot including shoe selection and supportive insoles. Post-Tib Tendonitis occurs when the muscle is overused and the tendon (soft tissue) that connects the muscle to your bone is strained. With Posterior Tibial Tendonitis, the tendon does not function to hold up the arch, resulting in a lower arch leading to flat feet. Years of over-pronation (flat feet) can also lead to posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. Continued overuse and lack of arch support for the muscle/tendon insertion, leads to tendon damage and tendonitis develops. At first the pain or swelling may come and go quickly, but eventually the problem may become more permanent. In a follow up video, we will discuss treatment of Post-tib tendonitis and how Foot Solutions can help alleviate the issues associated with this pathology. To learn more or to schedule a visit with one of our in-store Pedorthists, visit Your feet are the foundation of your health. Let us take care of them for you.
What is Foot Solutions?
Video transcriptWhat is Foot Solutions? Transcript
(This transcript is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen on this website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately.)
For over 20 years, Foot Solutions has been evaluating, solving, and preventing foot and joint issues for people just like you.Our highly trained board certified foot specialists are available at our retail locations to expertly fit you in a truly custom orthotic and recommend the perfect footwear from our collection of stylish international brands.We are proud to have thousands of positive reviews online, evidencing the care and attention that defines our service. At Foot Solutions, you will meet men and women passionate about foot and joint health and eager to provide you with a meaningful, first-class experience.Come into Foot Solutions and see for yourself how visiting with one of our specialists can improve your quality of life.
Symptoms, Causes and Common Treatments
Post-Tib Tendonitis
- Heel pain
- Arch pain
- Plantar fasciitis
- Heel spurs
With post-tib tendonitis, pain is more severe when on your feet–especially when walking or running.
Also known as “Post-Tib Tendonitis,” Posterior Tibial Tendonitis occurs when the muscle is overused and the tendon (soft tissue) that connects the muscle to your bone is strained. With Posterior Tibial Tendonitis, the tendon does not function to hold up the arch, resulting in flat feet. Years of over-pronation (flat feet) can also lead to posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. If you keep overusing the muscle, damage to the tendon builds up and tendonitis develops. At first the pain or swelling may come and go quickly, but eventually the problem may become more permanent.
Common Treatments
- Wear shoes that provide cushioning, support and shock absorption
- Use arch supports with sufficient support that are constructed from shock absorbing, cushioning materials.
- Vary exercise routines. The variety will keep one set of muscles from being under continuous stress.
To address post-tib tendonitis, you can reduce your symptoms by limiting activity to control the pain and swelling. Stay off your feet a few days, and then slowly increase your activity. Rest allows the tissues in your foot to heal.
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